Women in Art History

This page is dedicated to educating others on the impact of women in Art History. 
    Many women have'nt recieved the credit that is due to them i history, simply because 
    they are women. There are a few who have recieved their credit and actually gone of to 
    be very well known but there are still many out there who don't get as much recognition 
    as they should. This website is here to let you know all about them.
The Guerilla Girls (pictured below), are a great exmaple of a group of women who realized
    and still realize the disparity of women in the art field who actually get the chance to show their work 
    compared to their male counterparts. They describe themselves as the "feminist masked avengers in the
    tradition of anonymous do-gooders like Robin Hood, Wonder Woman and Batman."

Learn more about our women. Women in Art History.